Not All Who Wander are Lost Page 3
Finn tentatively touched the hood, then caressed the shiny red surface slowly. Crimson felt a blush creeping up her neck as she imagined that touch on her skin. It had been so long since she had felt a man’s touch, she was almost jealous of her car. Finn looked up from the car, the spell broken. “Can you start her up?” he asked.
Crimson climbed in and started the engine. It ran rough and didn’t sound like the lovely purring she was used to. It made her a little sad to hear. She grimaced at the sound, and saw that Finn made almost the same face. “Can you fix it?” she asked.
“Go ahead and shut her off.” He answered. “Pop the hood.”
She hit the latch and he opened the hood. After a few minutes, He closed it again. “Looks like your plugs are fouled, but no real harm done. I can have it running for you by this evening. Do you live far away?”
“No, just up the road near the beach.”
“Tourist?” he asked.
“No. I’m here to stay.” Crimson told him the abridged version of the cover story she had worked out with Kate, that she had received an inheritance from an uncle, including the car and the cottage.
“I can run you home if you like, then bring the car up when I’m finished.”
“Sure,” Crimson replied, trying not to seem too eager. She pushed away the distinctively dirty thoughts she was thinking and chastised herself for them. He was a Human, and her charge, she shouldn’t be thinking that way!
Finn motioned toward the truck and Crimson followed. When she got to the door, Crimson sighed dejectedly. She knew there was no way she could get up into the big truck by herself. Finn looked at her with a knowing grin. “Need a hand?”
“Please?” she said. Finn opened the door and gave her a boost up. She felt a shockwave go through her body when he touched her. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before. She felt that telltale blush on her neck again. It wasn’t like her to play the blushing maiden, even when she’d been one. She could not deny that she was attracted to him, and from the way he was looking at her, like he wanted to devour her, was almost predatory. She knew she would have to be very careful.
The ride was mostly quiet. Crimson gave Finn directions to her cottage, but that was all. Her heart was beating too fast and she was so close to losing her mask of calm, that she was afraid to speak. Every once in a while, Finn would glance at her, his eyes wide and full of promise, but then quickly look away, as if he was doing something forbidden. He looked at her like she had seen so many men look at her sisters, but never at her. He looked at her like she was beautiful and desirable.
At home, she was a Guardian. Strong and proud, the kind of woman valued for her skills, not her looks. She was too tall, too rounded. Elves wanted their mate to be tiny and delicate. Someone they could protect and shelter, someone to give them children and a home, to be an ornament on their arm at Court. Crimson was just not cut out for that.
She’d had dalliances, but she had never been the kind to fall in love or to be loved. Most of her relationships had been short and physical. Filling a need, but not fulfilling. Finn made her feel things she never even thought were in her. Things she should not be feeling for a charge.
Soon, they had reached the cottage. Finn came around to help her down from the truck. As she slid out , her soft body skimmed his lean one. For just a moment, their eyes met and it seemed like the world stopped. The moment passed too soon, and she found herself standing in front of him. “Thank you for the ride,” she murmured.
“It was my pleasure,” Finn breathed. He seemed almost as shaken as she was. “OK, then. I’ll get your car taken care of and bring it by later.” He paused for a few moments, then smiled tentatively. “Would you like to have dinner with me? Nothing fancy, but I know a great place for burgers. After I bring the car, I mean?”
“That would be nice.”
“I’ll see you later then,” he said getting back into his truck.
Crimson walked up to the door. She turned to watch him leave and saw he was watching her too. Smiling to herself, she unlocked the door and went inside. No sooner had she closed the door, when she was seized with an abject panic. What was she doing? She shouldn’t be feeling this way for her charge. She shouldn’t be feeling this way at all. But despite the panic, all she could think about were his soft green eyes, how she wanted to touch his hair. It was wrong, so wrong!
Leaning back against the door, she took a deep breath. Relax, she told herself. Breathe just breath. A soft ringing sound brought her out of her reverie. It was the crystal. She went in to the bedroom to see who was calling. It was Ivy. Thank heavens, she thought, Ivy can talk me out of this.
“Hello sweetness,” Ivy trilled. “What’s got you all a twitter?”
“I’m so glad it’s you, Ivy. I need your help!”Crimson exclaimed.
“That’s my job, how can I help?”
“It’s my charge. I don’t think I can do this. I think there has been a mistake. Can’t I just come home?”
Ivy looked thoughtful for a minute and then began to laugh hysterically.
“What in hell do you find so funny? I’m having a crisis here!”
“Oh girl you’ve got it bad,” Ivy said, still laughing. “I’ve never seen this side of you before. Frankly, I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Stop it! This is serious!”
“I know. I’ve seen pictures in the file. He is quite the specimen. Maybe if you can’t handle it, I could have him.”
“No! He’s mine…I mean, oh, I don’t know what I mean. Tell me what to do? Seriously, Ivy, I’m freaking out here.”
“What has he done to get you so, what did you say? Freaked out?”
“He asked me to dinner. And shut up, I’m just trying to sound Human.”
“Is that all? Honestly Crimson, haven’t you ever been on a date before? Oh. You haven’t, have you? It’s simple really, just go to dinner and be yourself.”
“Myself? Really? That’s your advice? Have you forgotten that he’s my charge? I’m here to protect him, not romance him.”
“Why can’t you do both?”
Crimson threw herself down on the bed. “I must have been insane to think you could help with this. It is not a joke. I feel so, so, frustrated. I don’t know how to handle these feelings. He looks at me, and I can’t breathe. All I can think about are his hands and his mouth, this is so wrong! I should be thinking about strategy and how to keep him safe, and all I want to do is get him naked…shit, did I say that out loud?”
Ivy laughed even harder.
“Stop it! You are not helping!”
“Crimson, sweetheart, this is not such a big problem. This is a simple assignment. He’s not in any foreseeable danger. You are just there to look after him. And he’s, what do they say in the Human world? Hot. Smoking hot. Why not have a little fun while you are there?”
Crimson thought about what Ivy was saying. She felt a little better, not much, but some. “I don’t know how,” she said finally.
Chapter 5
A few hours later, Crimson was sitting nervously on the couch. After spending an hour going through her closet with Ivy, she had settled on a warm cream fisherman’s sweater, a comfortable pair of jeans, and a pair of soft brown knee high riding boots. Ivy had suggested a more revealing outfit, but Crimson wanted to feel like herself, not like she was on display.
Her heart skipped a beat when she heard the familiar purr of Big Red pull into the drive. She grabbed her bag and went out to the porch. Finn was standing beside Big Red. Freshly showered, his long hair freed from its tether, he looked even sexier, if that was possible. Crimson bit her lip to keep from drooling. The sun was just starting to set and the fading orange light seemed to light his auburn hair ablaze. Gone was the dirty t shirt, and in its place was a snowy white button down and a tan leather jacket.
“I brought her back to you, good as new,” Finn smiled, jangling the keys. “Hungry?”
Crimson beamed. “Famished,” she said, thinking of mor
e than food. “You drive, I have no sense of direction and I’m just getting used to these narrow streets.”
“With pleasure, nothing like driving a beautiful car next to a beautiful woman,” Finn said with a cheeky grin. Crimson felt herself blushing yet again. This was getting to be a really bad habit. She needed to get herself under control. She took a deep breath, and got in the car.
Finn drove them to the outskirts of town to a little café. There were only a few tables, and they seemed to be the only ones there, but Finn insisted they served the best burgers in town. Crimson studied the menu. From the look of the choices, you could put anything on a burger. Completely at a loss, Crimson looked to Finn.
“What do you recommend?”
“Well, are you the kind of girl who eats a few pieces of lettuce and a glass of water, or do you prefer actual food?”
“The food,” Crimson said with a smile.
“Then I suggest the Wimpy burger. With bacon.”
Crimson scanned through the words she had learned from the crystal and was a bit confused. “Wimpy? Doesn’t that mean weak?”
“Not in this case,” Finn quipped. “It’s actually named after a cartoon character who loves cheese burgers. They don’t have Popeye where you are from?”
“I guess not. It sounds great. I think I’ll try one. And a coke,” Crimson replied enthusiastically, taking another item from the memory banks. She had never had a coke, but it was what Humans seemed to drink with burgers, so it seemed like the right way to go. She hoped he wouldn’t be taken aback by her appetite, she knew that Human women had some strange ideas about food. Despite their small size, Elves needed lots of calories to maintain the magic that fueled their glamour when in the Human world. She always knew she was hungry when her ears began to tingle. It wouldn’t do for Finn to see the delicate points of her ears and the catlike quality of her eyes that she was working so hard to conceal.
Finn caught the attention of the bored young waitress and put in their orders. He leaned closer to her and almost absently took her hand. That same shockwave from before went through her body and she felt her pulse race.
“If you don’t mind my asking, where are you from that they don’t have Popeye? I couldn’t help but notice from your accent that you are not from anywhere around here,” Finn said, looking deep into her eyes.
For a moment, it seemed like all reason had left her. Crimson struggled to remember her story. At last, it came back to her. “My family is from a small island off the northern coast of Scotland. It’s pretty isolated.” This wasn’t too far from the truth. Not that any Human would be able to find it. Black Thorn Forest was on an island north of Scotland, but not exactly on the same plane of existence.
“In the Orkneys?” Finn inquired. “My Aunt Katie is from there. You’d love her. She owns a little curio shop downtown and sells mostly silver jewelry and things from Scotland.”
“Kate is your Aunt? I actually know her. She was a friend of my uncle’s. She is helping me get settled in.” Crimson was taken aback. Surely, Kate would have mentioned this little tidbit about her charge. She certainly had some explaining to do!
Just then, the waitress came with their food, it was a welcome distraction. Crimson took a few minutes to regroup. The burger was excellent, juicy and flavorful, and big, just as Finn had promised. But if the burger was good, the coke was incredible. Crimson thought it was even better than coffee. Sweet and bubbly. If the Human world
had anything to recommend it, it was definitely the food and drinks.
“You mentioned your uncle. I don’t think I ever met him. Did he live here long?”
“He did, but he came home a few years ago because he was sick. He loved it here though. He was always a favorite of mine and when he passed away, he left me his house and Big Red. He used to tell me stories about the beach and how much he loved it here. His last request was that I come here to at least get to see it.”
“How did your family feel about you going so far from home? “Finn asked.
“Uncle Ian was always kind of a black sheep, preferring to live halfway around the world rather than closer to the family. I suppose I am too, now. It’s strange, being here, but I like it. So very new and different from what I’m used to.”
“I’m glad to hear that you like Seaside. It’s a special place. It’s quiet now, but the tourists will descend in a month or so. It gets pretty crowded in the summer, but I think you will like that too. So many people feel a sense of otherness here. It’s really hard to explain, but it’s what brought me back. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.”
“Did you grow up here?” Crimson asked.
“Yes. Katie actually raised me after my parents were killed. My Dad was a fisherman and they went down in a storm when I was five. Katie took me and my sister in.”
“I’m sorry to hear about your parents. That must have been hard for you.”
“It was, but Katie was great. She says that taking in strays is her calling in life. Between Mariah and me, the cats and dogs, and any other orphaned animals, the house was always full of life and love. She’s really amazing. She’s even raised a few injured harbor seals. Growing up with her was really an adventure. I went to Wyoming to go to college, but I missed it here so much, that I came back as soon as I was done. Katie helped me buy my shop, and I’ve been here ever since.”
Crimson hid a smile. She knew about the seals. One of them had actually been her “uncle” Ian, who was actually more like a wayward and very distant honorary cousin, and very much alive. He’d been stranded by a storm with an injured flipper after venturing a little farther from home than normal and was surprised to find a kinswoman on such a far shore. She’d taken him in and healed his wounds. Of course, this would have been when Finn was very small, and Selkies are very good at hiding their true nature.
“Do you have plans while you are here?”
“Not really, I’m, what do they say? Winging it? Ian left me a tidy sum, enough to last quite awhile if I’m careful. I suppose I’ll actually get some sort of job eventually, but I’m not really sure what I want to do. Most girls in my family get married and stay close to home. There is a whole world of opportunities for me. But I have time to figure it out.”
“Sounds like a good plan to me,” Finn mused. “I’m sure you have some very interesting talents.” When he said that, it seemed almost suggestive. But then, at this point, everything he said came out sounding that way.
They finished their food and Finn told her some amusing stories about growing up with Katie. Crimson started to feel more at ease. He was easy to talk to. Funny, genuine. Before Finn, all of her charges had been spoiled aristocrats. They rarely felt the need to even notice she was there, let alone get to know her. It was a little hard keeping her stories straight, but there was enough truth to them, that she managed to do it. They were having such a good time, she hadn’t noticed that it was getting late.
“I think that they are trying to close up on us,” Finn said after a while. The bored waitress was glaring at them. “I don’t have to be up early and it’s a nice night. How would you feel about a walk on the beach?”
“That sounds lovely.” Crimson replied.
“Great. We can swing by the shop and I’ll get my truck and follow you back to your place?”
The moon was up and full when they got back to the cottage. Crimson went in and grabbed a jacket because the night air was getting chilly and they walked down to the beach. Finn took her hand and they walked down closer to the water. The sky was clear and the stars were out. The waves crashed against the beach. Crimson loved the beach and she could sense the otherness that Finn had spoken about at dinner. Apart from being a beautiful beach, there was something special here. A pull from the sea she had never felt anywhere else. It was what, she suspected, had brought Kate and Ian here as well. The veil between realms was thin. She almost felt like she could touch the other side.
Finn’s hand was warm in hers. W
alking in the moonlight with him felt so right. She almost forgot why she had been so worried about this. They walked for what seemed like miles. They passed all the dark beach houses and hotels. It was peaceful. Soothing. The night got colder and the wind picked up.
“I think it’s going to rain,” Finn said after a while, breaking the spell. “We should get back or we are going to get wet.”
“I think you are right,” Crimson said, glad of the darkness because she knew she was flushed. I’m already wet, she thought almost against her will, trying not to giggle giddily.
They made it up off the beach to the Promenade that ran the length of the beach before it started rain. Soon, the wind picked up more and it really started to pour. They started to run. They hadn’t gone as far as Crimson thought, because it only took a few minutes to get back to the cottage, but they were still soaking wet. Laughing and running, they got up to the porch. Crimson’s freezing hands fumbled with the keys.